Tyler Sedation is a division of East Texas Anesthesiology Associates (ETAA). We are a multi specialty anesthesiology group with board certified physicians specializing in virtually all areas of Anesthesiology, including cardiovascular, pediatric and neuroanesthesia. We have over 13 years of experience performing anesthesia as an organized group in operating rooms in Tyler TX. By using very similar anesthetics and sophisticated state-of-the-art monitoring in your physician/dentist office we make it possible for children and adults alike to have even the most extensive procedures performed in total comfort.

Safety is the top priority in our practice . We are there to deliver the entire anesthetic from start to finish. While you are under our care we monitor the EKG (heart), blood pressure, oxygen saturation, breathing parameters and control exactly the amount of anesthetic delivered.

We are available for virtually any in-office procedure you or your family may undergo. We currently have agreements with both pediatric/adult dentists. Whether you need cosmetic or complete restorative work ETAA/Tyler Sedation can help you and your family. We can coordinate your sedation at virtually any office in Tyler. See our list of providers for the most up-to-date listing of where our services are offered. If you do not see your provider, please have them call our office for more information.

Should you desire a board certified anesthesiologist to administer your sedation, please call us or have your dentist/physician contact us to check availability.


Please read our QUESTIONS section for more information about sedation for your procedure